Your Handy Guide To Contacting A Debt Counseling Expert
When debt becomes overwhelming and you cannot pay your bills, do not look the other way and hope they disappear. Disappearing bills is not going to happen, ever. Other debt counseling expert wouldn’t be useful at all!
There are solutions to overloaded debt such as credit counseling companies or bankruptcy. Get in touch with a skilled, licensed experienced credit counselor. This professional sits down with you to discuss your financial options. Our company guarantees this is the best one hour you will ever spend. Getting your finances back on track leading to financial freedom is the best decision you will ever make.
Answering Yes to the Following Questions Means You are in Financial Trouble
Q. Are you tired of working and living paycheck to paycheck and your money is gone before it even reaches your bank?
This is a clear indication you are living above your income level. It is all right to want things in life that make life happier. It is not all right to have these things if they cause you to live beyond your income.
Q. Do you have so many creditors that you run out of space listing them?
Unfortunately, you are not alone. Many people find they cannot list all creditors because there are so many. Do you list only the creditors that make a difference, like rent?

Q. Do you make minimum payments due to the number of creditors on your list?
Perhaps you cannot even afford to make a minimum payment so you just write off that creditor as you think there is nothing you can do to better the situation. Meanwhile, that creditor reports you to the credit companies and the harassing collection continue.
Q. Do you find it impossible to pay yourself out of each paycheck?
If you have been in this situation for a while it is a sure bet you are getting mighty tired of not having a bit of spending money.
Q. Do you find it impossible to save for a rainy day?
Many people live without a backup plan in the event of an emergency. Have you gotten a personal loan to meet emergency needs or borrowed from relatives?
Q. Have you all but given up saving for your retirement?
You probably feel that you have time to save for retirement and then all of a sudden you are about ready to retire with no funds other than your Social Security check every month.

Q. Are you afraid to answer the phone because it is a creditor?
You do not have the money they want so you simply do not answer your phone. Persistent creditors have ways to get you to answer to your debt. Some unpaid creditors decide to take you to court. Now you must pay for court costs in addition to your debt.
Q. Have you resorted to the brown paper bag way of paying your bills because no matter what kind of budget you try to work around, nothing works?
At each payday do you put the names of all creditors in a paper bag and whomever you draw each week gets paid first? It is not our intention to make light of a bad situation. However, when you find yourself in such debt this is what paying the number of your bills amounts to because you have no other ideas.
It makes no difference who you are, how you got into a financial mess or your age. It makes no difference if you are considered low income, or have an income that others only dream about having each week. No single difference if you are retired and are living from Social Security check to Social Security check. It makes no difference if you are still working and living from week to week.
If you answered yes to so many of these questions it may time to consider the services of a credit counselor. You no doubt have overextended your income? You are living beyond your means. Our debt counseling expert can help you out of your financial crisis.

Credit Counseling Services, Profit and Non-Profit Companies
There are plenty of non-profit and for-profit credit counseling companies in the marketplace today. However, you will find that the majority of any Debt Counseling Expert work as non-profit in your city. You can also find reputable counselors online through the Internet, or via a phone call. These companies do not give emergency cash loans. These companies work to help you get out of debt with a goal towards debt free living.
The service you need the most is from a quality Debt Counseling Expert meeting with this professional in-person for credit counseling. Be aware of an organization that says they are non-profit as they may not offer free services. Make sure the company has a Better Business Bureau seal of approval. Make sure the company is affordable to you should you sign on the dotted line for credit counseling assistance.
You Are Working Hard to Get Out of Debt
Never sign up for help and find out that you cannot afford a debt counseling expert at any organization whose policy charges high fees. Find another counselor if they insist you contribute to their cause. You have too much debt and are working hard to not add any more debt to your budget.
A reputable company trains its debt counseling expert to help you avoid bankruptcy. This company gets you out of the cycle of living paycheck to paycheck. An esteemed company instructs you on budgeting, how to manage your money, and helps with all facets of your finances. They help you to communicate with your creditors. They help you to seek a settlement with your creditors or design an individualized payment plan.
A qualified counselor brings to light the root problem of how you got into a financial crisis. The company offers solutions to get out of debt. They may suggest a Debt Management Plan and direct you to a reputable company. The company may feel that debt consolidation is the right path. Maybe bankruptcy or debt settlement would help you more.
Contacting a Debt Counseling Expert
Any Certified Debt Counseling Expert at this debt service has the training to help you trying to overcome your individual and unique financial crisis. Your counselor helps you to sort out your unique circumstances and directs you to helpful resources.
As soon as you know you are in trouble with your debt get help because time is of the essence. Initial financial assessments take nearly an hour. You will tell the counselor all about your income, your debt, all personal expenses, your budget, and all assets. It is vital to have all the information handy and ready to give to your counselor.
Any Debt Counseling Expert at our company guides you to the plan most helpful to you to get you back on track with your creditors. We may utilize our debt management app. Seek this financial advice as soon as possible, never wait until tomorrow. Counselors must know everything about your finances because your solution is different from anyone else.

Know the Difference Between a Debt Relief, a Credit Counselor and a Debt Adjustment
A Licensed, Certified Credit Counselor
When your debts are overwhelming, you may need to seek the advice from a certified and licensed credit counseling firm, with a debt counseling expert. These firms are usually non-profit. These counselors guide you onto the right path of handling your money and paying off your debt. These companies should offer you free educational tools and reading material designed for your situation, such as a debt management app. These companies should offer free seminars and workshops guiding you towards financial freedom.
Our debt counseling expert set into action a payment plan as agreed by you and your creditor. If you keep your payments up, there are no late fees or ongoing collection efforts. Counselors do not negotiate settlements but work towards decreasing your monthly payment. They work with creditors to decrease interest rates. Some not for profit companies still charge a fee for services. It is your responsibility to find this out before you sign up for their debt service.
Debt Settlement Companies
A debt settlement company charges you a fee to negotiate each debt owed. These companies help to decrease balances owed on each debt. These companies offer services for a fee, which is different from a non-profit company. Fees are not charged until they complete the services promised. Some creditors do not negotiate with any debt settlement company.
These companies guide you on money management skills and help to budget creditor payments. Take no advice to stop making payments every month until a debt settlement is reached. This can decrease your credit score. This can also cause a creditor to sue you for payment. Some creditors may forgive your debt.
Some debt settlement companies arrange for you to pay off your debt in an agreed sum of money. Your money is deposited into a special account and managed by an independent party. However, you still are in control of this account and able to withdraw funds anytime.
All debt settlement companies operate under Federal Trade Commission guidelines. These guidelines say that you pay no fee until the company completes three things. At least one of your debts must have been reduced, settled, or terms of debt changed. An agreement between you and your creditor must be agreed upon. At least one payment must have been made to this creditor.
Never sign up with a debt settlement company who requires an upfront fee. This is against Federal Trade Commission guidelines. Never sign up with a company that tells you to stop making payments on your debts.
Confusion Regarding Debt Settlement Companies
No company can erase your debt in its entirety. All creditors can be approached as to if they will consider taking a lesser amount of the debt owed by you. Some creditors may accept a lower payment. Some creditors may accept a lower interest rate. And, some creditors may stretch out the repayment time. You must find out all the particulars that a debt service company offers and the fees the company may or may not charge. Some debt settlement companies charge you a fee but only if they can work to your advantage.
Otherwise, some companies accept a payoff of the debt in designated payments. Some accept a percentage of the debt over so many months. The purpose of signing up for such services is to lower your monthly payments and possible rate of interest. The end goal of every debt counseling expert should be debt free living for you the client.
A quality debt settlement company works with what you on how much you can afford to pay them as fees are individualized.
Working with this type of company does affect your credit score for a while. The decrease in credit score is due to settling and not paying in full what you owe. If your finances sent you to a debt settlement company you already know that late payments brought your credit score down. Debts settled in collections may get off your credit report sooner.
Any debt settlement plan depends upon how much you owe and how quickly you can pay the settled amount. Plans range from six months to well over 48 months to pay off all debt.
Many clients decide to go the debt settlement route because this plan is much better than declaring bankruptcy. It is your responsibility to learn all you can about debt settlement companies and debt counseling services. Yes, it is possible to settle your debt yourself. Perhaps if you have a lot of debt then a debt settlement company is a better choice. Know that by not paying your debt in full affects your credit score.
And, debt settlement is not a quick fix to finances and no debt counseling expert offers complete and total financial freedom.
Legally Stop Non-Ending Calls from Debt Collectors
Collectors can only call you between the hours of 8 AM and 9 PM.
Debt collectors cannot keep calling you. Therefore you have the right to tell debt collectors you do want to be contacted via phone. You have the right to hang up the call. If a collector keeps calling they violate the law. You have the right to tell them they can get in touch with you by writing. They must then contact you via writing. If you need to go to court this supports your case.
A cease and desist letter sent by you stops harassing calls when you request no more calls. Never admit anything regarding a debt. When you send this letter tell the post office you want to receive proof of receipt. Our debt counseling expert can guide you in this process.
Never give any sensitive information to anyone via phone.
If someone calls you by name when you answer your phone never reply with a “Yes.” Just say “You have a wrong number.” Scammers use this technique to get sensitive information. In the event phone, calls continue, report this to your State’s Attorney General and the Federal Trade Commission.
You have many options in dealing with harassing debt collectors. Know your rights and the rights of the collector. If you legally own a debt you may not know you had you will have to figure out how to pay for the debt without obtaining emergency cash loans.
Understand What Debt is-Understand Your Indebtedness
Granted, debt is debt no matter how you look at that debt. However, there is good debt and bad debt. Good debt gets paid every month. Bad debt is what is left over that you do not have the money to pay. This bad debt may go two, three, and even six months without payment and after six months the creditor is likely to write off the debt. This being said, you still owe that debt until paid in full or settled for a lesser amount.
You find you have just enough money to pay the essentials in your life and put food on your table. The non-essential bills go unpaid and are probably sitting in collections. Credit card debt is in large, a debt that is considered non-essential. You may yearn for more in life and use credit cards or personal loans to finance the non-essentials. Never use your credit card for living expenses.
You believe that these non-essentials make life a bit more exciting and worth living. This is true until the creditor wants your money which they are entitled to receive. You yearned for these extra things. You thought they would make you happy but, in the end, it cost you in the form of lowering your credit score because of late or missed payments. And, harassing credit collection calls.
You Always Will Have Debt in Life
There are certain debts in life that you may have all your life and there is no getting around it. You may entail expenses such as a mortgage up to 30-years. Maybe you never obtain a home mortgage and prefer to rent a home or apartment. However, you still have this living expense.
You may always have a car payment most of your life. You can drive your car after you pay it off and until it is over the hill. But eventually, the car gives out and you will have another car payment unless you pay cash for your next car. Do not forget your car maintenance, another necessary expense to keep your car running for a few more years. You need a phone so you will always have that debt. Utilities, car and health insurance is a no brainer of which most have no control.
In most states, it is illegal to drive your vehicle without car insurance. You take a big risk of driving without car insurance. You may find yourself paying much more than what your insurance would cost you if you are in an accident and have no insurance. There are few people today who can pay cash for big-name items.
Control the Non-essential Bills
Living from week to week with no savings account or emergency funds is a situation in which you are not alone. Seeking emergency cash loans may or may not be an answer for you. Our Debt Counseling Expert explains why. You may have to put non-essentials such as that desired vacation on hold. Are you always buying bigger and more expensive items you cannot afford? Do you feel that you have to keep up with your neighbors?
There are other debts that you can control that may become your downfall such as, credit card debt, personal loans, and medical bills. Our debt management app explains everything you need to know. Our Debt Counseling Expert fully understands that there are things such as necessities and luxuries in life. You are no different from most Americans and probably yearn to enjoy a few luxuries now and then. It is when these luxuries get out of hand.
Is it Possible to Live Debt Free?
You will never experience debt free living if you consistently live beyond your income.
It would be very unusual if you did not want to live debt-free. However, in our current world, this is unusual and to say the least rare. Even those who make more money than you make or live on a higher level than you live have debt. Everyone has debt, some more than others. Some of your neighbors, maybe you included, have too much debt and are now in a financial crisis. In today’s age, it is easy to get credit cards and loans and become quickly overwhelmed with debt.

You Can Control Spending on Necessary Debt
All the necessary items in life need a lot of consideration before making your purchase. Does your income allow you to purchase a top of the line Cadillac or a more compact mid-sized car? Does your income allow for a $100,000 home or a $500,000 home? It is not a bad thing to want better. However, it is a bad thing to live beyond your means of income.
You are in charge of your finances, not the creditor. As long as your credit is excellent, even good, the world is yours. You must keep your finances in perspective and put the breaks on what you know you cannot afford.
Our Debt Counseling Expert helps you become educated to make wiser choices and to avoid financial disasters in future years. Our debt service might help you if you find yourself in a financial bind. We can help you get on the right financial path.
What is Impulse Spending on Essentials and Non-essentials?
Be aware of your credit cards. They can certainly put you on a level of living you cannot afford, causing your financial ruin. Credit cards with a sizable level of spending allow you to buy what you cannot afford. You find you have no planning, no thinking about the future just charging what makes you happy is impulse spending.
You can easily get away from the numbers you must abide by to live sensibly. Understanding your debt helps you to remain realistic about purchases. What takes seconds to buy may take years to pay. The items you just had to buy may be dead and buried in a trash heap before you can pay them off.
It is Easy to Just Say “I’ll Charge That”
Credit cards certainly take a lot of thought. You must understand the system of credit cards. At the same time, you must understand yourself and your motives for saying, “Charge it.”
It makes no difference who you are, how you got into a financial mess or your age. It makes no difference if you are considered low income, or have an income that others dream about having each week. No single different if you are retired and are living from Social Security check to Social Security check. It makes no difference if you are still working and living from payday to payday.
If you answered yes to so many of these questions it may time to consider the services of a credit counselor. You, with no doubt, have overextended your income? You are living beyond your means and our debt counseling expert can help you out of your financial crisis
On our side, to help you out choosing your credit card we partnered with HiFiona and developed this widget:
In Conclusion
We are an established, seasoned, and growing company with Debt Counseling Experts on staff. We work hard to unify our financial services to help make shopping for loans, credit, money, and real estate more efficient. Goalry is a seasoned company that want to helpt you to get out of debt legally so you can enjoy debt free living without incurring more debt. However, we do not provide emergency cash loans. We encourage you to continue to pay your bills until your creditors approve the plan that works for you.
Know that our skilled, trained, and certified credit counselors do not loan money. We are not in the business of loaning money. We help consumers like you find a lender that best suits your financial needs. Our company offers no absolutes nor do we make any promises as to what the lender can offer you and your special, unique financial situation.
Access our website today if you need credit counseling, and want to meet with a Debt Counseling Expert. This professional explains the difference between a credit counselor, debt settlement, or a debt relief company. Our trained and certified debt counselors will answer all of your nagging questions and help you to get on a healthy financial path. Our agents explain your rights and the rights of debt collectors. And, never forget you have the Federal Government on your side when it comes to harassing debt collection calls.

Ethan founded OfferEDGE in Dec 2013 with the mission to unify the financial quadrants through a system that allows businesses to be seen when consumers use a Single Sign On across Lending, Credit, Money and Real Estate. Taub invents the offers and IP, while overseeing all aspects of the company. He also has orchestrated the company’s earned media across the brands Loanry®, Cashry®, Debtry®, Budgetry®, Billry®, Taxry® and more. This includes over 500 publications that have been featured across the web.