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Blaine Koehn

Author: Blaine Koehn

Blaine Koehn is a former small business manager, long-time educator, and seasoned consultant. He’s worked in both the public and private sectors while riding the ups-and-downs of self-employment and independent contracting for nearly two decades. His self-published resources have been utilized by thousands of educators as he’s shared his experiences and ideas in workshops across the Midwest. Blaine writes about money management and decision-making for those new to the world of finance or anyone simply sorting through their fiscal options in complicated times.

Can You Get Credit Cards after Bankruptcy?

Can You Get Credit Cards after Bankruptcy?

It’s been a long, dark, weird, discouraging time. You’ve tried to be responsible and follow the rules, but you’re tired of all the limitations – even if they’re supposedly for your own good. It feels like things will never get back to “normal,” whatever that was. Maybe they shouldn’t. Maybe that’s the whole point. Surely ...

What Should I Use – Cash vs Credit Card?

You’d really like to make a few repairs on your home. Or, maybe you’re thinking about upgrading your wardrobe a bit as you look for a new job. It might be time to schedule that dentist visit you’ve been putting off. Or perhaps you’re simply wanting to take someone special to a nice dinner for ...

How to Use a Credit Card Responsibly

Nowadays having a credit card is normal, and everybody uses it for so many reasons. However, so many people don’t use it responsibly, leading to debt and bad credit score. Few days ago, wandering online, I read this quote in an analysis of what some are calling the “hollow middle” of the American Dream: Forty ...

A Study of the 7 Best Online Payment Services

It’s becoming more and more convenient and practical to send and receive money by simply pulling out your phone (or opening your laptop). Whether you’re ordering something online, sending cash to your kid at college, and so on… The best online payment services offer convenience and limited fees or obligations. If you’re a small business ...

How to Use FinTech Services to Save Money

“FinTech” is a rather broad term. The word itself is a combination of “finance” and “technology,” which pretty much sums up what it means. Almost any combination of finance and technology can fall under the basic umbrella of “FinTech services”. Particularly those which automate or otherwise simplify some aspect of personal or business finance. It’s ...
Your Best Resources to Find Government Free Money

Your Best Resources to Find Government Free Money

None of us want to be in a situation where we feel like we’re looking for “handouts” or like we can’t provide for ourselves and those in our care. Despite what politicians and those talking heads on TV like to repeat endlessly, very few people set out with a life goal of “milking the system” ...
Guaranteed Loans

Guaranteed Loans: Another Name for a Payday Loan

Some 79 million Americans are faced with medical bills and debts that they can’t cover or pay for, according to the Commonwealth Fund. That’s nearly half of all working adults in the US. It’s a lot of people, and I’m one of them.  Just as they say in life, “there are no guarantees”, I hate to break ...
Bad Credit Loans Near Me

Bad Credit Loans Near Me: Go Local

You’ve probably been told countless times that you can’t get a loan with bad credit. I know it’s something I heard over and over when I needed money to cover a shortfall. I started to look online for more information about bad credit loans and learned that I wasn’t completely out of luck. Plenty of ...
Payday Loans

How to Avoid PayDay Loans Even With a Low Income

If you’re like many modern consumers, you sometimes struggle to keep your head above water financially.  You probably also know people who’ve experienced a domino effect in their lives that’s had devastating consequences.  In these troubling times, you need to know how to avoid Payday Loans with low income. For instance, an unexpected vehicle breakdown or ...

Money Cautions from Kanye West Lyrics

Kanye West is either a genius or a crazy man. It is too early to tell, but the lyrics from some of his early works continue to give sage advice about money. Perhaps Kanye should have taken some of his own advice before handing over his financial life to the Kardashians, but we can still ...