Most of us want to make as much money as we can. I think it is safe to say that everyone wants to be rich. How many kids dream of growing up and having a big house and a fancy car? Many of those kids also think about being rich because it is a fantasy. Many of them are not thinking about what it takes to actually become rich. As you move towards becoming an adult and facing bills, it becomes time to think about how to get rich. Perhaps, you are an adult and want to find a new career that will make you rich. Continue reading to find out the top 7 jobs that will make you rich.
It makes sens that before we talk about jobs that will make you rich, we talk about the reality of jobs that make you rich. Most of us want to find a job that requires the least amount of work for the most pay. I am here to let you in on a little secret. That is incredibly hard to find. Yes, it is possible to get rich fast, and you probably saw some people succeeding on YouTube or on Instagram, but it is not always likely.
Those who have risen to the top have worked hard. They have put in long hard hours when most people are sleeping or having fun. They put in the hard hours that no one else sees. That hard work can pay off, eventually, and then you realize the rewards of all your hard work. I also want to warn you about anything or anyone that promises you will make millions over night. It simply does not happen. Most likely, they are trying to pull you into a scam or some type of pyramid scheme. Do not fall for it. If you are going to work hard, you need to work hard for you so you can reap the rewards, not someone else.
It would be a shame for us to talk about jobs that will make you rich without mentioning a side hustle. So, let us talk for a moment about a side gig.
These are usually jobs that you have in addition to your regular full time job. Many believe that having a side hustle is one of the key money making tips a person can understand. These can be jobs that you start because you need some extra money. Perhaps, it is a job doing something you absolutely love and are passionate about doing. It is often something that you can do from your own home on a schedule that is convenient for you. The side job does not interfere with your full time job, because that is usually the one that pays the bills.
A side hustle can become so lucrative that you can quit your full time job and focus all of your energy in what once was a side job. Those are the best kind of side jobs. Some of them are intended to always be a side job and nothing more. It really depends on where your interests lie. If you are looking for a job that will make you rich, you can start it as a side gig and see where it takes you. If you decide you do not like it, or it is not for you, the good news is that it is only a side job and you can let it go at any time.
Let’s now focus on this list of the top 7 jobs that will make you rich! If you are interested in jobs that will make you rich, there are a handful of them that can get you there. While they will make you rich, depending on how you plan to make use of your career. However, you should be aware that these jobs do require a certain set of skills and interests so they may not be the right job for you. Based on what you background and on what you like, one job might be better for you than another. Let’s have a look!
The salary for a lawyer can change drastically depending upon where and how you practice law. Corporate lawyers and those who have the own private practices often make the most money as a lawyer. If you choose to practice law in the public sector, you will find that you make a lot less money. The good news is there are many different specialties that fall under law such as tax, criminal, and entertainment. As a lawyer, you must do a lot of public speaking and writing, so you want to make sure you are comfortable with them. You must also have strong critical thinking, analysis, and reasoning skills. If you choose to go into private practice, you must be prepared to market yourself, which will help you make more money.
Another top job that will make you rich is engineer. There are a many different specialties when it comes to a career in engineering. Some of those specialties include computer engineering, chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, even aerospace engineers. Depending on the specialty you choose, the income will vary. In addition to a higher income, there comes a large amount of stability with an engineering job. Those in this field are considered always employable and typically have a great benefits package to go along with their salary. The package that comes with being an engineer could allow you to be a millionaire after 20 years on the job. You will have to make some smart choices with investments and contributions. Even though each specialization requires its own certifications and qualifications, there are some similarities in the engineering field.
All those interested in the engineering field must get an undergraduate degree and have a strong foundation in science and math. No matter which path you choose, you must take advanced math and science classes. If those are not your strong suit, perhaps engineering is not the best field for you. Most engineers need a masters degree in the area of expertise they are choosing, as well as passing grades on the exams specific to their field.
“As engineers, we were going to be in a position to change the world – not just study it.“
— Henry Petroski
When you think of jobs that will make you rich, you have to think of a medical doctor. Just about everyone thinks of doctors as being rich. They also work hard. In case you have not noticed, that is the theme here. If you want to achieve a job that will make you rich, you are going to have to work for it. Not only is there hard work and long hours associated with becoming a doctor, but there is also a lot of school and school bills. It often takes a doctor a long time to pay off school loans before they ever see the big bucks. However, if they stick with it, they will see the money.
The hard work, long hours, and job stress do not let up, though. The more specialized the doctor, the higher the paycheck. Anesthesiologists and specialty surgeons tend to bring in the largest pay checks. If a doctor is smart and invests some of their paycheck, they can make even more money faster. Something to consider about being a doctor is it is not just about a lot of years in school, exams, certifications, and huge loans. You are also choosing a certain type of lifestyle. When you are a doctor, it becomes engrained into who you are and you cannot turn it off. You make a huge commitment. One that is rewarding on many levels, but a huge commitment, nonetheless.
When you think of jobs that will make you rich, you may not immediately think of a CPA. On the surface, their income may not seem that high, but it is what they can do with their job that makes this a coveted job.
A Certified Public Accountant (CPA) is a high level accountant. Those in this field have a large amount of opportunity, which can become incredibly lucrative. Often times, a CPA can become a partner in a firm which also brings with it the ability to grow with the practice and earn more money as the practice earns more money. CPAs often are knowledgeable in investments based on what they do, so they can often make sounds investment choices which benefits them by earning money from investments. They could also have clients that pay them to help them invest money. A CPA could open their own practice and go into business for themselves. In addition to having to earn a degree and pass exams, each state has its own regulations for certification. You must determine the certification rules for your state to ensure you can become certified where you want to practice.
An investment banker can make a lot of money, but they are expected to work a lot of hours. You will find them working late into the night and through most of the weekend. However, this is a job that can provide you with a substantial income. This can include positions that deal with mergers and acquisitions (M&A), as well as investments. I am sure you can agree that any job that deals with money, is going to make a fair amount of money. This is a high stress job because you are dealing with other people’s money all the time.
An investment banker can advise other companies which type of securities they should offer for sale, the price, and when to sell them. They can work with companies that are publicly and privately traded and underwrite loans and contractors. When they underwrite something, they are making sure the investors get the securities they want and pay for.
Real Estate is an interesting concept when it comes to a job that will get you rich. There are two ways that you can look at real estate. You can buy it to invest in it. Or you can become a real estate agent and sell it. First, you can make a lot of money by investing in real estate but you have to know what you are doing. You can buy a house as an investment that you choose to rent and earn money from the rent. You can make upgrades to the house and quickly sell it. This is a term known as flipping a house. Or you can buy a house as a second home that you spend weekends or summers at and can eventually sell. These are all great ways to make money with real estate, but most of these ways do not receive a quick return on your investment.
You can also sell real estate in which you make a commission off of every house that you sell. Becoming a realtor is not that difficult. You take classes and study to pass tests and certifications to become a realtor. Experience is where most realtors become skilled at their jobs. You are going to need a broker to start. You will not be able to go out on your own when you first become certified. When you are first starting out, it may seem like you go forever without a paycheck and you just might. This is the type of job where you only make money when you sell a house, so there is a lot of hustle involved.
Insurance agents are typically self employed but are always considered employable. This is a field that remains stable and there are always jobs available. This is a commission based job, so to make money you have to sell insurance. You can sell life insurance, car insurance, home owners insurance and even health insurance. You have to know what you are talking about. People do not want to buy insurance from someone who appears uncertain about the job. One of the benefits to being an insurance agent is as long as someone remains a customer, you are always making commission from them. This job does require contact with people all the time, so you must be a people person. You have to know how to interact with people and make them feel comfortable. After all, they are trusting you to provide coverage for their needs.
Growing rich is also a way of thinking. As we said many times, if you want to make rich you have to work hard. Those 7 jobs are basically some interesting ideas, but they need a huge determination which is basically based on your way of thinking.
Not everybody has the same definition of being rich, and this is once again, based on your way of thinking. The more you want something, the more you fight for it, and the more likely you are to succeed. If you want some literature about this topic and the “right” way to think to get rich, then our advice is to read How to think and grow rich by Napoleon Hill.
The best free financial advice you can get is: Do not expect to become rich quickly. You have to work hard and put in the long hours to reap the benefits. Someone is not going to hand you money. Even the people who seem like they did not work hard for it, did work hard for it. Just about any millionaires story that you hear includes rejection, failure, late nights, and hard work. Most things are not just given to you. If you want to get rich, be prepared to work hard for it.
And if you have some money and are looking for a safe way to invest it, opening a savings account might be an interesting step! We partnered with HiFiona to develop the following widget which shall help you figure out if a savings account can be interesting for you or not. Check it out!
Julia Peoples is a long-time business manager focused on providing decision making assistance to the public. She works with people at key points of their lives who are making important retirement and financial decisions. She has had many articles published that educate the public on sound financial decision making.
Julia writes for those who are working towards financial freedom or a better understanding of how finances work. She has shared her financial insights with individuals on a one on one basis for years.
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